Omnitracs' Road Ahead blog

How drivers can go the extra mile with ELDs


When the Electronic Logging Device (ELD) mandate was introduced back in late 2017, there were a lot of questions about how the changes would impact the everyday experience of truck drivers across the U.S. “What will this mean for my rig? How will it change my relationship with fleet managers?” We all knew that it would reduce paperwork, but the overall, everyday changes that it would bring weren’t as clear.

Almost two years later, we have a much better picture of what ELDs offer drivers: Greater transparency with fleet managers, technology for trucks, and accountability with required regulations.

With ELD implementation requirements going into full effect this December in the U.S., here are a few ways drivers can utilize ELDs for improved experience and performance:

  • Take ownership of performance data. Whether it's career growth or metric goals, we all want to succeed in our roles When you know what your strengths and weaknesses are, you can proactively take steps to be the best you can be. For example, maybe you prefer and even perform better driving at night. But preference may not be enough to convince your manager when you ask for nighttime routes. Armed with information collected by the ELD, you could provide your manager with facts that bolster your case to get you the route you want. Or, you may find areas you should work on in order to reach that goal later in your career.


  • Have your voice heard. In our recent blog on ELDs, we talked about how they can help fleet managers understand where fleet operations can be improved. But nobody knows their rig like drivers themselves. What problems are you seeing? What technology would make your life easier? When you match that expertise with the hard data ELDs create, it makes a compelling case to the rest of the organization.


  • Do what you do best. The fundamental benefit of technology is eliminating or reducing repetitive tasks so we can focus on the things that matter most. This concept can be particularly beneficial to drivers. By digitizing the logging process, drivers could spend the excess time they’re saving on paperwork on the road.

Interested in learning more about the ELD Mandate and what it means for fleets and drivers? Stay up-to-date on everything ELD compliance by visiting our ELD resources page.